About Healthy ‘Cane Network

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At the U, we care about our students’ well-being. The Healthy Cane Network is a collaborative effort within the Division of Student Affairs that supports students overall wellbeing and provides a supportive environment that allows students to exceed their potential. We work together so that our students are successful. HCN interweaves the programs, services, and facilities of:

Why we make well-being a priority

Wellbeing is important for academic success and social connectedness. Evidence shows that students with a strong well-being:

  • Are more confident
  • Perform better academically
  • Create stronger social bonds
  • Maintain healthy relationships and lifestyles

Despite this, students often neglect to nurture their well-being. College can be challenging. For many students it is the first time they are granted this much independence. Juggling classes, study time and activities often leaves little time for self-care, ultimately affecting well-being.

Student success is more than just good grades. The HCN identifies our students’ needs and creates the appropriate programs and services to address them. We get the resources to the student and eliminate possible barriers helping students incorporate self-care into their other day-to-day priorities.

Get Involved

Are you a student who believes in the importance of well-being and wants to help fellow Canes improve theirs? The Healthy Cane Network has peer-educator opportunities and is looking for student leaders like you.

Counseling Center- Counseling Outreach Peer Education (COPE)

Student Health Center- Health Outreach Peer Educators (HOPE)

Sandler Center for AOD Education - Peer Educators

Wellness Center - C.H.A.M.P.
