Professional Staff

The Division of Student Affairs believes in a positive workplace culture created by personal investments in our division. We are knowledgeable, dedicated, and valuable leaders and partners passionate about guiding the University of Miami community.


Our Standards

We enjoy a long tradition of exceptional service to the University. Our programs, services, and facilities serve as models to higher education professionals across the country. 

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New Employees

Transition into your new role at the University of Miami as seamlessly and successfully as possible. We offer a specialized orientation and a plethora of resources for new employees to engage with the University community.
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Staff Development

We provide our employees with educational opportunities in skill development as well as personal and professional growth through our Student Affairs Staff Development Committee.

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Laurel Awards

Individuals and departments who go above and beyond in transforming lives at the University are recognized by their peers, supervisors, staff and, students in the annual Laurel Awards ceremony.

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