Student Well-Being and Resiliency

Well-being and Resilience initiative icon: an anfinity symbol made up of 8 distinct units representing the 8 dimensions of wellness Well-being and Resilience initiative icon: an anfinity symbol made up of 8 distinct units representing the 8 dimensions of wellness

To be a successful learner and give yourself the best opportunity for a bright future, it is important to prioritize your own well-being. We know that the challenges and stress that come with college life can be unexpected and that you may not know how to rise above every obstacle you face. 

We are here to help you understand the eight dimensions of well-being and recognize those aspects of your life that need attention. By taking advantage of the many mental and physical health programs and services offered, you will be equipped with the necessary dynamic resiliency, coping, and conflict management skills to address personal and interpersonal challenges in life.


Dimensions of Well-Being


Managing your emotions in healthy and constructive ways to cope with life’s challenges.

  • Counseling Center
  • Dean of Students Office
  • Canes Care for Canes
Programs and Resources


Acknowledging how your choices and actions impact the world around you.

  • Green U
  • Outdoor Adventures
  • Gifford Arboretum
  • Office of Emergency Management
Programs and Resources


Making informed decisions about your resources to maintain a fulfilling lifestyle.

  • Money Management Program
  • Student Employment
  • Canes Central
Programs and Resources


Expanding your personal collection of knowledge and applying it in your life.

  • Camner Center for Academic Resources
  • Learning Commons
  • Undergraduate Advising
  • Cane Success Center
  • Office of Academic Enhancement
  • Undergraduate Research
  • Civic and Community Engagement
Programs and Resources


Participating in work that provides satisfaction and is consistent with your values.

  • Toppel Career Center
  • Student Employment
  • Peer Education Programs
Programs and Resources


Making active choices that benefit the health of your body.

  • Wellness and Recreation
  • Student Health Service
  • UM Dining
  • Sandler Center
Programs and Resources


Developing and maintaining connections that allow you to form a community of mutual support.

  • Student Life
  • Student Organizations
  • Housing and Residential Life
  • Commuter and Transfer Assistants
  • Recreational Sports
Programs and Resources


Creating your sense of purpose and acknowledging the beliefs that drive you towards your goals.

  • Chaplains Association
  • Student Organizations
Programs and Resources

Student Well-Being Newsletter

The Student Well-Being Newsletter introduces students to the eight dimensions of well-being through educational health content and highlights supportive programs, services, and events. It is sent to all undergraduate students every three weeks during the academic year. View an archive of this year's issues below:

Prioritizing Student Well-Being and Resiliency

As part of its strategic planning process, the Division of Student Affairs identified student well-being and resiliency as a top priority. The Healthy Cane Network is a collaborative effort within the Division that supports well-being and fosters an environment where students can exceed their potential now and into the future.
